They've been reading too much "Flowers in the Attic" crapola.
Frannie Banannie
JoinedPosts by Frannie Banannie
Brother and Sister wants incest legalized
by MsMcDucket inbrother & sister have 4 kids:want incest legalizedvideo.
brother and sister want to legalize incest.
brother & sister want incest legalized.
Remembering who we were (Short Story)
by free2beme inrecently i had began to have weird dreams, ones i could not ignore and i needed to speak to someone about it.
so i asked one of the elders i respected a lot to make some time to speak to me after the meeting one night.
i knew it would be a conversation that would take awhile, so i told my family to drive in a separate car, which allowed me not to worry about how long they were waiting for me.
Frannie Banannie
I sure hope you're saving all these short stories for a book to publish.
Kind of Neat... for me at least.
by RichieRich inso its no surprise to most of the people here, but i stretch my earlobes.. and i just reached sort of a big milestone, for me i guess.. i made it to an inch.. that's 25 mm, for you crazy not americans stuck on the metric system.. and considering the original hole was exactly 1 mm in diameter, i just think its cool i increased the size by 25 times.. now if only i could stretch my bank account.. .
Frannie Banannie
Frannie, I didn't know that you knew that I bounced. It's happened before, and I'm sure it will happen again, but lobes can handle a TON of tugging. There's little to no chance of someone just walking up and grabbing an ear and yanking, and having it tear in two. Usually, they go for the nose ring first anyhow.
I used to work in clubs, Richie. You LOOK like a bouncer, chere! I hope you bounce really well, Richie, cause I've seen what a torn ear lobe looks like and it bleeds like a stuck pig. (shudders)
Anyway, your lobes and rings are spiffy in my opin. Good luck with 'em!
Kind of Neat... for me at least.
by RichieRich inso its no surprise to most of the people here, but i stretch my earlobes.. and i just reached sort of a big milestone, for me i guess.. i made it to an inch.. that's 25 mm, for you crazy not americans stuck on the metric system.. and considering the original hole was exactly 1 mm in diameter, i just think its cool i increased the size by 25 times.. now if only i could stretch my bank account.. .
Frannie Banannie
Ewww. Richie, pardon, chere, but what if some ol' drunk in a bar gets hold of those lobes?!!!
My sons went back, one because he believes, one because he's using the org
by rose petal inhi, bit of a newbie.
found this site a couple of months ago, wonderful.
my ex used the borg as a means of control.
Frannie Banannie
What I want to know - how to break the cycle! That's the million dollar question.
PS I grow the biggest and best roses in Queensland, Australia. That's why I picked the name Rose Petal!
I'll have to get a picture up and running and show you!
Ahhh. That explains the "rose petal" thingie. I'd love to see them, RP.
As for breaking the cycle, it's something the abuser has to want to do himself/herself. And it requires psych therapy.
Some things that make mundane things[list yours]
by UnConfused in... having a big sink tub in the basement to wash the dog .
... an under the cabinet radio in the kitchen to easily turn on .
... having a mudroom .
Frannie Banannie
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Thank goodness for indoor plumbing, deodorant and deodorant soap.....and that 1000 sheets per roll toilet paper.
by gumb inbeware the cyberpaths!.
in the years that i've taken part in various web discussion groups, from time to time i've come across people that i can only describe as "cyberpaths".
"trolls" is of course another term for them, although i don't believe all trolls are necessarily people with personality disorders.
Frannie Banannie
Just out of curiosity, have you considered me to be a troll? I am an ex-JW and I find I may have a lack of interest in certain topics that I do not debate in.
Not at all, DJK. (smoochies)
"I'd love to comment but my own guidelines restrict me to replying only to posters of a 3 post per day average or higher!"
Why? Not being argumentative, just wonder - I don't post three times a day but I don't think I'm a troll, either, so I'm kind of curious as to how you came up with this guideline.
LOL! Hortensia, Crumpie is pullin' our legs, chere.
For women: your view of strip clubs
by Paralipomenon ini have heard two vastly differing viewpoints on this subject over the years.
regarding your significant other, would you care if they went to a strip club or not?
some examples: .
Frannie Banannie
I thought it was very sad, the women weren't pretty, just young and kind of flabby looking, the men all looked lonely, everyone there in his/her own little world. They weren't very good dancers, either and it didn't look as if anyone was having a good time.
Hate to tell ya this, chere, but you didn't go to a first class strip club. No wonder you thought it was sad.
Some things that make mundane things[list yours]
by UnConfused in... having a big sink tub in the basement to wash the dog .
... an under the cabinet radio in the kitchen to easily turn on .
... having a mudroom .
Frannie Banannie
Gooooood FRESH coffee in my thermal mug.
Good music with a beat.
Good ol' memories.
The internet.
When Crabby Pants goes to bed so I can listen to the dialogue on TV without him loudly adlibbing all the way through it.
If most here R anti jw why bother writing mean hurtful and prejudges posts?
by ayhra inif most people are anti or ex jw why bother if you dont believe in it why waste your time writing mean hurtful and prejudges posts and set up a entire web site and forum dedicated to them.
its a religion not a cult and people write about jw's as a whole everyone is an individual and just like the rest of the world there are nice caring people as well as bad awful people.
jehovah witnesses dont set up web sites saying and exploting awful things that non jw's do to them, such as teasing bashing raping even murder..
Frannie Banannie
Ahyra, your English is getting much better. TROLL ALERT!!!